Make sure to add all of your info so we can determine your suit & boot size, assign you a suit, know how long you need it, where its going and how to reach out to you!
Reservations should be made as much in advance as possible. We rent on a first come first served bases.
Please allow us 1-3 days for a response by phone or email. Also be aware we are not open on weekends to process reservations.
We call you to finalize the reservation.
That includes confirming the details given on the form and providing payment info.
We don't charge your card till we ship out your suit.
Price is determined by length of trip.
Card info is kept on file in case of damages or rental needs to be extended. Then destroyed.
We typically ship out reservations 7-10 days before the start date given on form to ensure timely arrival.
Picking up is an option for those local to us! Let us know while we talk over the details of your reservation. or CALL to schedule pick-up appointment.
Keep zippers CLOSED to prevent damage to the material of the suit and the zipper.
If wet and want to hang- insure it wont blow into , snag or rub on anything.
Keep it away from heat sources. Suits can melt.
Chest Zipper- Always open it ALL THE WAY TO RUBBER STOP, top of shoulder. Every time enter or exiting suit. Zipper can bend and break if not open to rubber stop.
Gaskets-NEVER wear jewelry that will tear or snag gasket= tearing it. Don't cut gasket, jagged lines will tear, use a small pot or pair of pants rolled up to stretch out neck.
Gortex feet- NEVER walk directly on socks of suit. Gortex is a thin water proof material that can wear wholes easily.
Suits are NOT fire Resistant! Keep away from all heat sources!
If suit becomes to warm. unzip chest zipper or fully remove suit.
If hiking/exploring, remove dry suit, so no unexpected scrapes or punctures occur.
Bring extra tooth brush just for clearing debris from Zippers on suit.
FEMALE suits may also come with a front relief zipper( like a mans suit) so a "she wee" or a funnel with an extension tube will need to be brought along if you don't want o fully remove suit every time you need to " relieve your self"
If Neck is too tight, don't cut, put a thick roll of paper towels(or something) to stretch it and relax it a bit.
Drysuit rentals/ 3-pc wetsuit rental:
(1-4) =$135 / (1-4)= $45
(5-9 )= $175 / (5-9)=$60
(10-14)=$225 / (10-14)$70
(15-19) $275
(20-24) $335
(25-30) $375
Helmets =$12(1-10Days) =$20 (11+Days)
Type 5 PFD's=$15(1-10 days) =$25 (10+days)
Rescue PFD's=$25 (1-10Days) =$40 (10+Days)
$20 across US
$23 Alaska
* adding pfd or helmet makes shipping cost go up.
Please get Res. in at least 3 weeks before start of trip to allow for shipping.
124 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, California 94572, United States
CLOSED zippers prevent damage in shipping.
Fold suit then place in bag, without bending zipper. DoNOT stuff suit into bag or box.
You are responsible for shipping cost returning.
Please Text to provide return tracking#.
Rentals not post marked 4 days after end of course/trip will be charged for additional rental length.